Recap of our Trip - By T. J. Schumann (Secretary)
Monday, June 13, 2011
2011 Washington DC Trip - May 11-16
Recap of our Trip - By T. J. Schumann (Secretary)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Meeting Notes 03/03
We would like to thank everyone for coming to the meeting last Thursday! Highlights from the meeting are below:
Upcoming Events:
March 10 – Brown Bag on Egypt – Dr. Ratan will be giving a short presentation to clear up misconceptions about the events in Egypt, and from there, we need your opinion! Come to room N126 in Allgood Hall, this Thursday from 2:30 to 4:00 PM - and be prepared with a bag lunch and some talking points.
Late March – LSAT Practice Test – For those interested in taking the LSAT, we will be offering a practice test to help you hone your skills. Come to meetings or watch this space for more details later. Also, at the meeting Kaplan representative Brian Allen discussed test prep courses being offered at ASU. Anyone interested is encouraged to visit for more information.
March 31st – Guest Speaker – Former ASU alumni and Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver will be speaking at 2:30 PM in University Hall room 170. The topic will be “What can you do with a degree in Public Administration?” This is sure to be an enlightening lecture for all Poli Sci majors.
April 26th - Art Presentation - Beginning at 2:30, Mahera Khaleque will be hosting a presentation of her art entitled Behind the Veil: Cultural Implications and Perceptions. Room will be determined at a later date.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Boys and Girls Club: The Political Science Club would like to have several members volunteer their time at one of the local chapters, either as mentors or as general volunteers. All those interested are encouraged to fill out an application and place it in the club's box found in the Political Science Club department.
First Saturday Crew Cleanup – We would like to participate as a club in beautifying Augusta with the First Saturday Crew. More information will come at the next meeting, but this should be a good chance to show pride in our city.
We are always looking for opportunities to give back to the community. If you are aware of any additional events or organizations in need of volunteers, please drop us a line at
Raffle: Flyers were passed out for our raffle fundraiser. We are raffling off an XBOX 360 with Kinect; $2 per ticket or 15 tickets for $20. Those going to DC need to sell $100 at minimum - Al other members should try for $50. You have until March 31st to sell your tickets. Stay diligent!
DC Campaign with Indigogo: Our Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for the DC trip is live! It can be viewed at Please share the link with friends, family, acquaintances and everyone else! Even a small donation will make a big difference in paying for the trip and other club functions.
MyEDU: The club earns $1 for each person that signs up for MyEDU using this link: It is fast, easy, completely free, and anyone can do it. Pass the link along to friends!
Sponsorship Drive: Continue pursuing those sponsorship opportunities! Remember, a sponsorship is required from those members who plan on going to D.C. in May. Those members that have agreed to approach a business should do so before our next meeting! The person with most sponsorships wins a $100 VISA gift card.
The next meeting will be on March 17th at 2:15 in Allgood Hall room E151.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Fundraising Campaigns for DC Trip
The first is run through myEDU which is donating $1 to us for every user that signs up using our link
The link is so please join and share the link with people you know!
The other campaign is through IndieGoGo. Anyone can donate 5-1500 for our trip! There are also gifts that we've offered at different levels of donation!
Spread the word! Tell your friends, families, co-workers! Everyone!
Big thanks to Jadion Brown for all his help with the IndieGoGo campaign!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Meeting Notes 02/17
Upcoming Events:
February 24 – Guest Speaker – Poli Sci professor Dr. Spadoni will be discussing U.S.-Cuban relations and his recently published book, “Failed Sanctions: Why the U.S. embargo on Cuba will never work,” from 2:30-4:00 on the 24th. Pick up a flyer and plug it in your classes, please!
March 10 – Brown Bag on Egypt – Dr. Ratan will be giving a short presentation to clear up misconceptions about the events in Egypt, but afterwards we need your opinion! On March 10, be ready to bring a bag lunch and some insight! More information to come at the next meeting.
Late March – LSAT Practice Test – For those interested in taking the LSAT, we will be offering a practice test to help you hone your skills. Come to meetings or watch this space for more details later.
TBA – Guest Speaker – As a former ASU alumni, Mayor Deke Copenhaver will be speaking on what you can do with a Public Administration degree. Date and location will be coming soon.
Social Events:
Homecoming Night - February 19 – The Poli Sci Club will be attending the homecoming game against Francis Marion at 3:30. After the game we will be having dinner at Mellow Mushroom on the intersection of 12th and Broad Street downtown. We plan to make this a tradition and hope to see you there!
Club Social - Mi Rancho - March 8 at 6:00 PM - Bring your friend/significant other for an evening out with the Poli Sci Club!
Bake Sale: Our bake sale last week did very well, raising a total of $111! Thanks to those who helped out at the bake sale.
Raffle: We are raffling off an XBOX 360 with Kinect; $2 per ticket or 15 tickets for $20. $100 minimum for people going to DC, $50 minimum for all other members. You have until March 31st to sell your tickets.
DC Campaign with Indigogo: Jaidon needs people who are willing to appear on the campaign video. If you are willing to do so, contact Jadion at
Orgsync: It is very important that we get as many members signed up on ASU’s Orgsync as we can. If you have not already, please set up your account at After you've made your profile, add the Political Science Club to your groups: It takes less than five minutes of your time and helps a lot for getting funding from Student Activities. For questions, please email one of the club officers.
Sponsorship Drive: Continue pursuing those sponsorship opportunities! Remember, a sponsorship is required from those members who plan on going to D.C. in May. The person with most sponsorships wins a $100 VISA gift card.
The next meeting will be on February 3rd at 2:15 in Allgood Hall room E151. Hope to see everyone there!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Meeting Notes 01/27
Upcoming Meetings:
February 10 - Elections and Navy Officer Guest Speaker - it is mandatory you attend so that we can vote in new officers. You must be a fully dues paid member in order to vote in the election. If you are unsure if you have paid your dues, please contact the treasurer, Carrie Shoultz, at as soon as possible!
Feb 17 - Normal Meeting - AH E150 @ 2:15
March 3 - Normal Meeting - AH E150 @ 2:15
March 17 - Normal Meeting - AH E150 @ 2:15
March 31 - Normal Meeting - AH E150 @ 2:15
April 14 - Normal Meeting - AH E150 @ 2:15
April 28 - Normal Meeting - AH E150 @ 2:15
Upcoming Events:
February 8 - Bake Sale we need people willing to either bake or work the table
February 11 - Brown Bag - 1:15 location TBA Topic: TSA and Airport Security Procedures - we will post some links to articles on the blog and facebook for you to read prior to the brown bag
February 24 - Guest Speaker: Dr. Spadoni - "Failed Sanctions: Why the US embargo on Cuba will never work" - Dr. Spadoni will be discussing his recently published book as well as US-Cuban relations.
Social Events:
February 8 - Wild Wing Cafe - 6pm - 1/2 price wings
February 25 - Bowling?
March 11 - Social
May - Faculty and Student End of the Year Banquet (TBA)
Raffle: XBOX 360 with Kinect; $2 ticket or 15 tickets for $20 ($100 minimum for people going to DC, $50 minimum for all other members)
DC Campaign with Indigogo: Jaidon needs people who are willing to appear on the campaign video, if you are willing to do so, contact Jadion at
LSAT: March
Sponsorship Drive - If the club makes $1500 in sponsorships, whoever brings in the most sponsorship money will win a $100 visa gift card.
Washington DC
If you have not signed up for DC and wish to be put on the waiting list, please contact us
If you have not already, please set up your orgsync accout at After you've made your profie, add the Political Science Club to your groups:
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Meeting Notes 01/13
1. Call to order
2. Roll call of Members Present
3. New Business
DUES: $25year/ $15 Semester (DUE JANUARY 27, 2011)
Important Upcoming Meetings
Our elections will be held at the beginning of this semester, it is important you attend the meetings so we can vote in new officers.
Jan 13 - First meeting
Jan 27 - Nominations
Feb 10 - Elections
Upcoming Events
January 20 - Brown Bag - the topic will be the TSA and Airport Security Procedures AH E150 from 2:30-3:45pm
January 27 - An officer from the Navy will be speaking about potential careers as an officer in military intelligence. He will be bringing Pizza!
Washington DC
If you have not already, please contact us to let us know if you are interested in going to DC this summer. The dates again are May 11-15, 2011. The deposit $50 and is non-refundable and due January 27, 2011.
If you have not already, please set up your orgsync account at after you've made your profile, add the Political Science club to your groups -
American Political Science Association (APSA)