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Constitution Of The Political Science Club of Augusta State University
Ratified Spring 2009
Article I – Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Political Science Club of Augusta State University, operating under a charter granted by the Administration of Augusta State University, Augusta, Georgia.
Article II – Objectives
Section 1. The objectives of this organization are to help members acquire broader knowledge of politics, stimulate participation in the political process, and help students become productive, contributing members of their community.
Article III – Membership
Section 1. Active Membership: Any student in good standing in accordance with university policy shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2. Honorary Membership: Any person who has distinguished themselves in an unusual and praiseworthy manner may be elected to an honorary membership. Honorary members shall have the privilege of attending all meetings of the Club but shall not be required to pay dues or be permitted to vote or hold elected office, and they shall have no interest in any funds or property of the Club.
Article IV – Restrictions
Section 1. The merits of any public question may be fairly and intelligently studied and discussed but the Club shall not take any action endorsing or condemning any measure or candidate that is to be submitted to a vote of the people.
Article V – Amendments to the Constitution
Section 1. The Constitution may be amended in a regularly scheduled meeting by a two-thirds vote as defined in the By-Laws. All Constitutional amendments must be in conformity with policies of Augusta State University.
Article VI – Adoption of Constitution and By-Laws
Section 1. The Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect and be enforced upon its adoption.
By-Laws Of The Political Science Club of Augusta State University
Article I – Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings: All meetings of this Club shall be held at no time less than alternate weeks, as the President shall designate.
Section 2. Annual Meetings: The Annual Meeting shall be held the first meeting in
February for the election of officers, officers’ year-end reports, and transaction of other business.
Section 3. Special meetings of the Club may be called by the President or a majority of the members, provided that notice is given to Club members by the formal method of communication no less than one week prior to the meeting.
Section 4. Rules of Order: Parliamentary procedures in all meetings of the Club, shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article II – Election of Officers
Section 1. The elected officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. The Elected Officers of the Club shall be elected at the Annual Meeting, (as prescribed in Article I, Section II) which is the first meeting in February, after nominations are made.
Section 3. Nominations: Nominations will be made at the regularly scheduled meeting preceding the Annual Meeting.
Section 4. Balloting: Each member will signify his/her choice, by title of position and name. The nominees receiving the largest number of votes cast for the respective offices will assume their duties immediately.
Section 5. Each officer appointed shall serve a term of one year from the Annual Meeting to following the Annual Meeting.
Section 6. Removal: If an officer is negligent in his duties pertinent to his/her office, he/she is subject to removal of office by a two-thirds vote of membership present at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 7. Resignation: Resignation of any officer, when delivered in writing to the highest ranking officer shall become effective immediately upon its acceptance, providing all indebtedness of the officer to the Club has been paid.
Article III- Duties of Officers
Section 1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall appoint all committee chairpersons, and shall perform such other duties as ordinarily pertains to such office.
A. In event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the office and title of President during the unexpired term of the President.
Section 2. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall have the duty of familiarizing themselves with all Club affairs and preparing themselves for assuming the Presidency. He/She is charged with upholding such duties as customarily pertaining to such office.
A. In the event of a vacancy, a special election shall be called to fill the office.
Section 3. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep records of membership, record the attendance of meetings , send out notices of meetings of the Club, committees, record and preserve the minutes of such meetings, make any required reports and perform such other duties as customarily pertinent.
A. In the event of a vacancy, a special election shall be called to fill the office.
Section 4. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep records of all financial documents and submit to financial affairs office if an audit is ever requested. The Treasurer shall sign all financial documents and perform such other duties as pertinent to the office. Upon his/her retirement from office, he/she shall turn over to his/her successor or to the President all funds, books, and accounts or any other Club property in his/her possession.
A. In the event of a vacancy, a special election shall be called to fill the office.
Article IV-Committees
Section 1. The President shall appoint committees as need arises. Committees shall consist of no less than three(3) members. When the purpose of the committee is resolved, the President may dissolve the committee. However, if the committees in existence after two years, the committee becomes a permanent, Standing Committee.
Section 2. The President shall be ex-offico member of all Standing Committees.
Article V – Dues
Section 1. Payable: All dues shall be payable when billed by the Treasurer. No member shall be deemed in good standing who is more than sixty days late in the payment of his/her dues of $15 dollars per semester or $25 dollars for the academic year.
Article VI – Resolutions
Section 1. All resolutions shall be held until a quorum is assembled. The resolution shall then be discussed and voted upon. Resolutions will be submitted to the President and held by such until a quorum is assembled.
Article VII – Termination of Membership
Section 1. Resignation: Resignation of any member, when delivered in writing to the President or Secretary shall become effective immediately upon its acceptance, providing all indebtedness of such member to the Club has been paid.
Section 2. Non-Payment of Dues: Any member owing dues or otherwise indebtedness to the Club for a period of sixty days may be suspended and deprived of all privileges of the Club. If he/she applies for reinstatement within twenty days from date of suspension, a majority of votes from members present at any regular meeting may reinstate the member to good standing, otherwise he/she may be dropped from the roll of members. Dues must be paid prior to reinstatement.
Section 3. Misconduct: Any member, who by personal or Club business conduct violates the principles or ethics of the Club may be expelled from membership by a two-thirds vote at a regularly scheduled meeting after explanation by the accused member.
Article VIII – Amendments to By-Laws
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members at a regularly scheduled meeting. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the President at least one meeting prior to voting.
Section 2. No amendments or additions to these by-laws shall be made which are not in conformity with the Club Constitution and with the policies of Augusta State University.