- APSA (American Political Science Association) Membership- being a member of the APSA gives you a head up on all political issues that are occuring. For a fee of only $43.00 a year one could be a member of this association. Since we are a group, we found out that if enough of us join then it will only be $21.50 per year. The APSA prepares citizens to be effective citizens and political participants. There are also many different journals that you could purchase at additional cost. These journals focus on more specific issues such as political methodology, urban politics, women & politics, etc. If anyone needs anymore information contact Carrie Shoultz via e-mail at cshoultz@aug.edu.
- Sponsorship Packets- We are now going to be searching for sponsors for this year. Our sponsors help us do things such as materials for volunteering, our social events, and our BIG TRIP TO WASHINGTON, DC. There are three levels of sponsorship including gold, silver, and bronze. The minimum for these levels is $150.00 but we do however accept donations. If one would like to see a brief descriptions of the levels of sponsorship that we have and the advertisements limited to these levels contact Amanda Jones in the main political science office. If you obtained one of these fliers at the meeting and have company interested Amanda will also be the person one would need to contact for the official sponsorship packet.
- Fundraising Committee- The main thing we focused on for this event was the book raffle. This is where we sell raffle tickets and at the end of the semester whoever wins the political science club will buy their books for them. Jordan Pruner will be the one to contact if one has any further questions.
- Volunteering-
*Head of the South aka The Regatta. This will be held on Nov. 13, 2010. It will be tons of fun people from all over will be here to watch the different events that will be held on this day. Further information will be discussed at the next couple meetings.
*Operation Christmas Child- this is another volunteer opportunity. For this one will need to provide materials for a child in need such as tooth brush, socks, toys, candy, etc. However, there are limitations on what to provide such as no chocolate or perishable items. Everything that is bought for a particular child will need to be able to fit in a shoe box and be labeled. They need to be labeled by categories of sex and age. If you do not have any shoe boxes you can contact Dr.Ginn for some. You will also need to include $7.00 when you turn in your shoe box/items, this will cover the shipping cost. These boxes will be shipped to boys and girls all over that are less fortunate. Everything needs to be turned in by Nov. 15, 2010. For further information contact one of the club officers.
*Food Bank- during thanksgiving time we will have another volunteer opportunity to participate in a food bank. More info. in upcoming meeting.
- Washington, DC trip- we briefly discussed the dates for the DC trip. We are hoping to leave on May 10th or 11th and return on the 15th. These dates were only discussed briefly, there are still many things to consider before these dates can be permanent. DATES ARE NOT PERMANENT, only IDEAS!!!
- Upcoming Social Events- There have been many ideas for upcoming social events main ones that stood out were paintball, softball game/cookout, and bowling. The first one will probably be paintball on Nov. 7, 2010 in the afternoon. We are still discussing it and further details will be given at the next meeting.
- Old Business-
- October 11- Midterm & Grad Apps due
- October 14- Brown Bag Discussion "Midterm Elections"-How historic will they be?
- October 14- Community Involvement Fair 11am-1pm
- October 16- Fun Run
- October 21- Next meeting
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